Sunday, July 8, 2007

Welcome to LCGS VBS!

Welcome! It’s hard to believe that it’s already VBS time again! Where has the year gone?? Here we are, about to embark on another journey of faith. But this year, we are going to “follow the Lamb”. The "Follow the Lamb" VBS curriculum will take students back to a world where Christianity was just beginning. We will show students how these early Christians lived by incorporating the theme into every aspect of the program: the worship, studies, arts & crafts, songs, even the snacks!

Join us here every day this week for a recap the day’s lesson, activities and crafts, fun links, daily newsletter, and more. We look forward to this time together, and welcome you to post comments also.

Please keep our VBS in your prayers; pray especially for:
LAMP Ministry and their VBS program
For our volunteers, that they will have the health and stamina to complete the week
For our volunteers to be faithful witnesses to the love of God in our community
For many children to come and hear about Jesus, the Lamb of God.

Thank you for visiting our blog, and come every day this VBS week for new posts. May God richly bless you in your endeavours!