Saturday, July 14, 2007

VBS 2007 is over!

VBS 2007
Follow the Lamb is come and gone.

Thousand, thousand thanks are due,
Dearest Jesus, unto you!

And many thanks are due to all the wonderful and willing volunteers who worked so hard to make VBS the success it was.
Thanks to all the teenagers who helped us this year, and took on great responsibilities!
Thanks and commendations to our “Leadersheep” (Gr 6-7) for your help and willingness to do what needed to be done! All of you young people were great! You served well, and I trust that God will continue to bless you and help you as you serve Him.
Thank you to everyone else who helped by working at home, making donations, helping us set things up, planning, baking cookies! All of it came together to make this an extra special VBS.
Thank you to all those people who prayed for us. God is gracious, and He does hear our prayers!
Special thanks to all the parents for bringing your children, and
Thank you to all the children for coming and being so well behaved and eager to learn! We loved having you, and will look forward to seeing you again!