Thursday, July 12, 2007

Singing Around the Throne

Heaven is our home! Jesus has already returned there to prepare a place for all believers!

In the Bible one of the pictures of heaven is that of a giant throne room. Sitting on the throne is the LORD, looking like a Lamb which had been killed but had come back to life. (An obvious reference to Jesus, the Lamb of God, who died and rose again!) Gathered around the throne are all of God's creatures -- all types of angels and races of people -- and they are singing God's praises!

We had a glimpse of that scene this week at VBS. The music has been excellent. The leadership - fabulous! The children -- heavenly! I've attended a lot of VBSes in my life and have heard a lot of children sing. What stands out this year is you can hear in the children's voices their worship. They are not just singing some "funky songs" but worshipping! This is truly awesome for me as a pastor to hear! To see God's Spirit at work in their lives fills my singing with praise!

There are many other reasons to praise God.