Sunday, July 15, 2007

VBS Closing Service & Picnic

What an amazing closing celebration we had today! I have never heard children’s voices singing over their parents before. But, in the VBS service, the kids did an outstanding job of worshipping, singing the awesome songs they learned during VBS week.

And the banners they made are fantastic! Just beautiful. Wow, that’s a lot of buttons!! The banners will be hanging in the Sunday School area until the Fall, if you want to see them up-close!

Thanks to Leona and Tammy for their help with the closing picnic activities. It was a lot of fun. It would have been nice if the rain held off! But, all around, what a great day.

Wish I Were There:
I missed an amazing VBS this year. Unfortunately I had to work during VBS week, but I already booked VBS week 2008 off, so I’ll see you all then! The singing was great, the banners look awesome and, according to the slideshow (sidebar), it looks like they had a lot of fun!

If you want to download this slideshow as your desktop screensaver, click HERE.

Thank You:
Thank you to all the people that made this year’s VBS a success. Thank you to the planning committee for being involved from the start. A special thanks to Lindah, our Director of Parish Services, for all her hard work and dedication.

Thank you to all the volunteers: the teachers, the shepherds, the Leadersheep, the recreation and craft instructors, the kitchen staff, everyone who lended a helping hand to VBS this year.

And thank you to everyone who donated supplies, food & beverages, craft items, and their time in making VBS happen before it happened!

Thank you to the talented music crew: Larry, George, Matthew, Miriam, and Naomi, who did an outstanding job of leading the kids in singing and praising.

Thank you, parents, for bringing your children to VBS. And thank you to the kids who came. We enjoyed having you, and hope you will come again next year. Of course, if you can’t wait til next year, you can always join us for Sunday School in the Fall!

And, of course, thank you, Jesus, for everything you have done for us: being born as a little baby, dying on the cross, raising again, ascending to heaven to prepare a place for us, and sending your Holy Spirit to dwell in us until you return.

Thank You Gift:
And, as promised, here is the special “thank you” gift for all participants of VBS. They are special scrapbooking pages to commemorate your child’s time at LCGS VBS this year. Pictured are my boys, Alex and Nico, wearing their VBS Follow the Lamb t-shirts.

To download, CLICK HERE (note: file size is 9.3MB). The files are in PNG format. They were created by me, Rebecca Labbe. The first one is with paper and elements from the digital scrapbook kit, "Summer Carnival" by designer Colleen Lynch copyright 2007, used with permission. And the second one, with the kit, "Where I Live & Breathe" by Royanna Fritschmann (Studio RA) at

If you do not have any graphics program to add your child’s picture, you can email me a photo of your child and I will add it for you. Contact me at for more information.

It is still not too late to order your VBS Follow the Lamb t-shirts. See the LCGS VBS website for more information.

Word of the day: FUN!!